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Pediatric Cranial Sacral Therapy

Pediatric Cranial Sacral Therapy is the specific application of Cranial Sacral techniques for infants and toddlers. Approximately 5g of pressure is used (that is about the weight of a nickel) to release tension throughout the body. Since the techniques are so gentle, they are safe for infants and toddlers. It often takes 1-3 treatments to resolve the major issue of concern but most babies experience noticeable results immediately! Some of the conditions that can be treated are:


latching/nursing issues, colic, excessive crying, tension, reflux, digestive discomfort, torticollis, tongue ties, asymmetrical head shape and ear infections

Toddlers and Children:

strabismus, learning difficulties, developmental delays, hyperactivity ADD/ADHD, autism, cerebral palsy and concussion