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Cancellation Policy

We have a 24 hour cancellation policy. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice before the start of scheduled appointment time you will be charged the full amount of the treatment. Cancellations made greater than 24 hours in advance of the appointment time are not charged. ***Due to the pandemic, if you are feeling unwell the cancellation policy will not apply.

Mask Policy

As regulated health professionals, our facility is classified as Healthcare facility. Mask Mandates have now expired in most healthcare settings. We respect that everyone has a different comfort level with regards to masking and want everyone to feel comfortable and safe. If you come in wearing a mask your therapist will also wear a mask. If you are not wearing a mask, your therapist may still choose to wear a mask.

Covid 19 Policy

You will be required to complete a Covid-19 Screening Survey 24-48 hours prior to your massage therapy and manual osteopathy appointment time, which will be emailed to you. Please reschedule your appointment if you have any signs of fever, cold, flu or covid-19. Our waiting area can only accommodate two people while adhering to physical distancing. For this reason we kindly ask that you arrive at your scheduled appointment time.